All our cases with the tag: october-cms

One 4 leather

Online platform build
for reach

Building a platform with a mission means structure, practical and emotive design,
optimal user experience, and social media integration.

We’ll race you, because we love projects where all online expertise comes together.

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Yippiejaja for the
Hornbach eventplanner!

‘Always something to do!’ is what they say at Hornbach. And that doesn’t just refer to their customers, but also to the hardware store itself. That’s why an event planner would make organizing activities super easy, so we made one.

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Optimal service with a
search-driven website

Stahl is a market leader in chemistry for a wide range of industries and customers. Their new website required optimization for each business and market, easy to find and navigate, but also benefitting Stahl with complete control and lead generation.

Time to don our lab coats!

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Comfort in climate with
comfy systems

The installations of Daikin provide you with the best in climate comfort. Installers and advisors can set up projects in the Daikin Platform, but generating quotations was still a manual job. That’s where our smart solution comes in!

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